

I'm working in spanish

Updated: 8/29/2023
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15y ago

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aprendo espanol

aprendo espanol=I learn Spanish

estoy aprendiendo espanol=I am learning Spanish

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12y ago
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Perla Cota

Lvl 1
4mo ago
"I'm working" - estoy trabajando
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Trabajo. (pronounced trah-bah-hoe)

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Yo estoy bien

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Estoy comiendo

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"Ya lo elaboro." Lit.: "Now it I [am] work[ing]."

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You could say "Estoy trabajando también", or simply "trabajo también".

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oh idk maybe spanish!! Im Costa Rican aha im sorry but yeah costa rican people are spanish, im spanish, we speak spanish but not all people there speak spanish

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im aplastamiento

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im sobre él

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im pidiendo que

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easy: tutuyes, im spanish...

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estar emocionado(a)

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im in school

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im pensamiento de usted