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Go for it? lol

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Q: I'm 25 years old and I want to have an operation to change the shape of my nose?
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Related questions

How do you change the shape of your?

you have to undergo nose rhinoplasty.

How do I change the shape of nostrils?

Rhinoplasty (nose job)

The plastic surgery procedure to change a shape or size of the nose is?

A rhinoplasty.

Are bronzer really makes nose thinner permanently?

Bronzer will not permanently change the shape of your nose. It is simply used as an illusion to make your nose appear thinner or smaller.

What shape is Selena Gomez nose?

good question...... i think the shape is a mmmmmm....... PRETTY SHAPE!!!!!!!!!!!! her nose a little round shape and her nose has an attractive look it is like a sweet button nose on a teddy's face

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How did European government change as a result of the Hundred Years' War?


Has Karen gillan had a nose job?

No pictures show years apart that her nose is the same shape. So thankfully, she's not had one

When you lose a lot of weight does your nose change shape?

When you lose a lot of weight you lose a great deal of it from your face...So as your face changes shape due to the weight loss, you might think that your nose is different but the truth is that it seems like that because the same nose looks different on a different face(change in proportions)...It works like a painting...If you have the same painting and you change the colors of the background the painting is going to look different... Biologically now, your nose is impossible to change shape because it is made of cartilage and doesn't really store fat.

What shape of nose does a nose piercing fit best?

any nose, really. unless you have a flat, wide nose.

How long after a nose job do your nostrils feel blocked for?

i had a nose job last September to clear my airways and to have my nose straightened. my nose still feels blocked in a morning but once i have blown it it is fine. alot better than before my operation. but it usually clears upto 6 weeks after the operation. i had a nose job last September to clear my airways and to have my nose straightened. my nose still feels blocked in a morning but once i have blown it it is fine. alot better than before my operation. but it usually clears upto 6 weeks after the operation.

Who in Harry Potter can change there nose?

Tonks can change her nose