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Is a pond goldfish dangerous?

NO! NOT AT ALL!!! They are gentle and friendly!

Is the swordfish dangerous or gentle?

It depends on what kind of swordfish it is mostly they are gentle only if they are attacked by another type of creature.

Are liger dangerous?

Ligers are not very dangerous. They are very tolerant and are gentle, compared to a lion or tiger.

Is Amy Rose polite and gentle?

Yes. Amy Rose is an extremely polite and gentle girl, although when she gets angry or annoyed she can be quite dangerous.

Who is dangerous red nose pitbull or blue nose pitbull?

no dog is more dangerous than the other. it is the owner who trains it to be gentle.

Is it dangerous to lift baby from head?

yes, their bones are too gentle and might get fractured in the process

Are Cardinal dangerous?

If you are referring to the Cardinals meaning those Bishops who elect the Pope, what danger are you inquiring about? Can you be more specific?

Are bulls dangerous or gentle beast?

bulls can be dangerous but they are like anyother creature if someone was all up in your face you would attack them too they are just misunderstood.

Who are some of the cardinals in the Catholic church?

The College of Cardinals has been pleased to have in its ranks illustrious names such as: 1) James Cardinal McIntyre, Cardinal Archbishop of Los Angeles 2) Ernesto Cardinal Ruffini, Cardinal Archbishop of Palermo 3) Francis Cardinal Spellman, Cardinal Archbishop of New York 4) Raphael Cardinal Merry del Val, Cardinal Secretary of State 5) Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani, Cardinal Secretary of the Holy Office 6) Dennis Cardinal Dougherty, Cardinal Archbishop of Philadelphia 7) Samuel Cardinal Stritch, Cardinal Archbishop of Chicago 8) Edward Cardinal Mooney, Cardinal Archbishop of Detroit 9) Giuseppe Cardinal Siri, Cardinal Archbishop of Genoa 10) Manuel Goncalves Cardinal Cerejeira, Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon 11) Pietro Cardinal Gasparri, Cardinal Secretary of State

What is Ohio state bird?

The northern cardinal.

What is the state bird in West Virginia?

Northern Cardinal is the state bird of West Virginia.

Who is the cardinal of the kkk?

There was no cardinal of the KKK.