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Is decomposition reaction reversible, it is not. Once something has decomposed, its cells are broken down and cannot be reconstructed. This would be most apparent in decomposition of flesh.

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1w ago

Yes, decomposition and exchange reactions are reversible processes where the reactants can reform into products or exchange parts with other molecules. In decomposition, a compound breaks down into simpler substances, while in exchange reactions, atoms or functional groups from different molecules trade places. These reactions can proceed in both directions depending on the conditions.

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Q: IS decomposition exchange reaction reversible synthesis has a chemical reaction with parts of different molecules trade position?
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The short answer is combustion reactions are a subset of synthesis reactions that require one of the reactants to be oxygen. Common combustion of organic molecules results in the formation of CO2 . However, it is not required that combustion be limited to organic molecules. They are different from decomposition reactions in the same way synthesis is the opposite of decomposition.

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These are two forms of a chemical reaction. The first type is called synthesis and the other decomposition.

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Synthesis and decomposition reactions are opposites. Synthesis: A + B -> C Decomposition: C -> A + B They both involve three elements or compounds, one of which is a combination of the other two. An example: N2O5 -> NO2 + NO3 Is a decomposition reaction.

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Chemical changes occur when a substance combines with another to form a new substance, called chemical synthesis or, alternatively, chemical decomposition into two or more different substances. These processes are called chemical reactions and, in general, are not reversible except by further chemical reactions.

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The opposite of a synthesis reaction is a decomposition reaction, where a compound breaks down into simpler substances.

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Different types of chemical reaction?

I believe there are 6... (I'm a chemistry major) Combustion, synthesis, decomposition, single displacement, double displacement, and acid-base.