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there are different type of beans of which one variety is pinto. There are several other beans which can be used along side or as a substitute for pinto.

But pinto is a single bean type

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Q: Are pinto beans and kidney beans the same thing?
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Do kidney beans and pinto beans smell the same?

They may be spoiled.

What is the difference between black beans and red beans?

They are the same bean, they are only called different names by differnet regions of the country. For example, the main Indian Princess of the Hopi Tribe "KimKim Chickaauwa" calls them kidney beans, while in South Texas, Country Music singers like Eric Stone always refer to them as Pintos.Kidney beans are larger than pinto beans and are solid red. Pinto beans got their name from the Spanish word "pintado," which means "painted." Hence, pinto ponies and pinto beans, which are smaller than kidney beans and are reddish brown and speckled. Kidney beans and pinto beans are not the same bean.

If you are allergic to pinto and kidney beans would that mean you are most likely allergic to black beans too?

Since black beans are in the same legume family as pinto and kidney beans, it makes sense that someone allergic to pintos and kidneys could also be allergic to black ....and other beans. However, when I had my fancy $900.00 blood test for food allergies done (immunolab, Florida), my results showed only kidney bean and pinto bean allergies, but none to black beans, chick peas, or soy.

How do rocks get in pinto beans?

I do not know why I was wondering the same thing They grow in rocky areas and near or in the ground.

Are kidney beans same as chili beans?

Kidney beans are a type of bean, while chili bean refers to a recipe or way the beans are cooked. So chili beans can be made with several different types of beans. Commonly used are kidney, pinto and black beans.

Are chicken peas and white kidney beans the same?

I think you mean chick peas and no they are completely different: white kidney beans are beans and chickpeas are pulses.

Weather kidney beans can be given to a kidney patient?

Yes. Kidney beans are only named such because of they have the same shape as a kidney. One food kidney patients should definitely avoid is starfruit!

What are navy beans called in Hindi Specifically you want to make baked beans back home in India and you need the name of the beans?

Well Navy beans and pinto beans both are from same class of what we call in India as Rajma. We have less bias, navy beans - white Rajma, Pinto beans - printed rajma

Can you substitute white kidney beans for black beans?

Cannelloni is a pasta dish with no beans in it. Cannellini beans are large white beans.

Are all tree seeds the same shape?

No. For examples, peaches have large round pits but apple seeds are flatter and more ovoid.

How many dry pinto beans in a ounce?

1 pound = 16 ounces. You now have all the information required to work out, for yourself, the answer to this and similar questions. And whether it refers to pinto beans or other beans is irrelevant.

Are dark pinto beans better then light colored?

No. It has to do with the seed variety and the growing region in which they are grown. Traditionally pinto beans grown in Mexico are lighter in color. Beans grown in Colorado and the Dakotas are a darker variety. Same flavor just a different color. ;)