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air molecules

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You are water. Water can exist as a solid (ice), liquid (water), or gas (water vapor). It is essential for life as all living organisms need water to survive, but excess water in the form of floods or drowning can also be destructive. Water can be found under your feet as groundwater, around your body as rivers and lakes, or over your head as clouds.

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Q: I can be three different states of matter but not at the same time i am necessary for life but i can also destroy life i can be under your feet around your body or over your head What am i?
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What can be three different states of matter but not at the same time I am necessary for life but I can also destroy life I can be under your feet around your body or over your head What am I?

Water - it can exist as a liquid, a solid (ice), or a gas (water vapor). It is essential for life as we know it, being a key component of all living organisms. However, water can also cause destruction, as seen in floods, tsunamis, and hurricanes.

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You can neither make nor destroy matter.

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Matter is important because it makes up everything around you; matter can not be created or destroyed it just transformed into a different form.

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When antimatter is created, it immediately seeks to annihilate with normal matter through a process called particle-antiparticle annihilation, releasing a large amount of energy in the form of gamma rays. This interaction results in the conversion of both particles into pure energy following Einstein's famous equation, E=mc^2.

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Fire cannot destroy an atom. Fire is a chemical reaction that involves the breaking and rearranging of chemical bonds between atoms, but the atoms themselves remain intact. Atoms can only be destroyed or changed through nuclear reactions, such as fission or fusion.

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The fact that it only cuts the arsenal down to the amount of weapons necessary to destroy civilization around 100 times over, instead of 120. It's the biggest policy joke I've seen in a while. Probably since the last arms reduction policy as a matter of fact.

. Matter is defined as anything that has and volume.?

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No. The height does not matter.

Do Satan the devil pushes white people to destroy blacks or do God?

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