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Yes. Special beer- or wine-making yeast are selectively bred for taste and alcohol tolerance, but I have been using ordinary baking yeast for home brewing for years, with great results.

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Q: I don't want to go blind. Will bread yeast create Ethanol?
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Is ethanol made from plants?

any sugar and yeast so fruit and bread then distilled you got ethanol

What cells produce carbon dioxide and ethanol when bread is baked?


Yeast cells perform what kind of fermentation?

Bread. Without it, the bread would never rise.

What do yeast feed on?

yeast is the thing that makes bread fluffy

Is yeast aquatic?

Yes, because it can respire in water. This can be proved as to make bread people put yeast and that yeast can respire in water as batter has water. Respiration in yeast- C6H12O6----> C2H5OH + 2CO2 + Ethyl Alcohol/ethanol

What produces yeast?

In yeasts, fermentation results in the production of ethanol and carbon dioxide – which can be used in food processing: Bread – Carbon dioxide causes dough to rise (leavening), the ethanol evaporates during baking.

What is the important of of yeast in food process?

yeast is a living organism used in bread(to make it rise), beer,wine and spirits (to make Ethanol).. In a breaddough the yeast will start "consuming" the natural sugars in the flour as soon as water is added.. as it consumes the sugers ferments producing pockets of CO2 and (belive it or not!) alcohol ..when baking the heating procces gets rid of the ethanol (Alcohol) but leaving the pockets making the bread light and fluffy

Can you use bread for making yeast?

yeast is in the bread

What causes a form of alcoholic fermentation?

Yeast has the ability to cause a form of alcoholic fermentation. This is what is used to make the bread dough to rise and it produces ethanol.

Is ethanol produced as yeast gives off carbon dioxide in bread production?

Without oxygen, the yeast can harvest energy only through glycolysis, because it is necessary for the other steps of cellular respiration. When you force yeast to harvest energy anaerobically, you maximize ethanol production.

Why is yeast used to make beer and wine?

Yeast is used to produce the alcohol in beer and wine. Yeast is a fungus that feeds on sugars to create energy for itself. When the yeast is deprived of oxygen, as it is in the production of beer and wine, it uses a process called anaerobic respiration to create its energy. The byproducts of anaerobic respiration are ethanol (alcohol) and CO2. This production of alcohol via yeast is called fermentation. Yeast is used in the production of virtually all Alcoholic Beverages.

What does yeast do in bread dough?

Baking yeast makes food rise and gives it a fluffy taste and feel to your food.