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Q: I have had constant pins n needles in my left hand for past 24 hours is this bad?
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Why do tips of left hand fingers feel like there going to explode?

cause it'S called pins and needles

What is the duration of The Left Hand of God?

The duration of "The Left Hand of God" movie is approximately 1 hour and 27 minutes.

What could be causing sudden and constant pins and needles and a bluish color in the left hand - and could very low blood pressure play a role?

Low blood pressure would affect the entire body in the same way, it would not have a particular effect on just the left hand. This could well be a symptom of an embolism that is blocking a blood vessle that supplies the left hand. It should definitely be examined by a doctor. FOLLOW-UP QUESTION: Examined by a doctor immediately - or see a doctor if the condition perisists for a week? Thanks!

What problem would make the neck hurt when moving the head from side to side also with the left hand feeling pins and needles?

the pins and needles thing is that your hand has fallen asleep.the neck im not sure maybe it needs to be stretched. well this is good info my name is Tia.your welcome!:)

Im 19 weeks 2 days pregnant and get pins and needles in your Left arm and hand Is this normal?

It's common. It's caused by odema (swelling, water retention) that put pressure on the nerves that go through the arm and hand. That is what causes pins, needles and pain. See your doctor and get a splint to wear.

What is the meaning behind the lyrics of the black sabbath song Hand of Doom?

Hand of doom is an anti heroin song. the song was inspired by all the needles left on the ground after black sabbath played a concert one night.

I have Pins and needles in my left arm and hand for two days?

To be on the safe side, make your way to a medical centre to be checked over.

What could be wrong if you've had shoulder pain that has spread gradually down your left arm and into the top of your chest sometimes causing pins and needles in the fingers on your left hand?

The "pins and needles" thing sounds like you're having a problem with a pinched nerve, but the rest sounds like something that is a little more alarming. You should get to a doctor as soon as possible.

I have RA and lately have been getting pins and needles in y left hand is this common?

I have RA and recently have had the same symptom. No sure it is caused by RA but had a cat scan and there sems to be no other explanation.

What can your right hand do that your left hand can't do and what can your left hand do that your right hand can't do?

Your right hand can touch your left elbow but your left hand can't and your left hand can touch your right elbow but your right hand can't.

What cant you hold in your right hand but you can hold with your left?

Eating With Chopsticks And Writing With Pen/Pencil For Only Some People Only xD Because Some People Can Eat With Chopsticks On The Left Hand And Write With A Pen/Pencil With The Left Hand Too '-'

Where can you put your right but cant put your left hand?

left elbowYour left hand