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If it's negative they'll use that as leverage to take it down and you would probably get banned forever from fb when someone complains.

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Q: I posted something about people at your school on facebook can you be expelled or suspended?
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You put something about people in your school from facebook can you be suspended or expelled?

Yes, you can. Well, I didn't totally understand what you were asking. You can be suspended or expelled for what you do or put on facebook about people at your school or about your school. For example, You take a picture of yourself giving the finger in your uniform. That automatically calls for expulsion because you are creating a bad image for the school. So what you post about people attending your school or about the school could get you in serious trouble if it is reported.

Can you get expelled from making a fake Facebook?

No, you can not get expelled because facebook is for socializing and getting to know people. Lots of people do make fake facebooks.

What happen to people when you report people on Facebook?

When a person is reported by several Facebook user his/her account gets suspended due to the breach of Facebook rules and regulations.

What is considered vandalizing on Facebook?

Vandalzing on facebook is when someone posts useless, annoying, dumb, or offensive things to other people. You could get your account suspended by a supervisor on facebook if you do vandalize.

What could happen to someone who is a bully?

It depends what situation.. ( these are mostly school scenes.) >>>> Computer bullying ( Cyber Bullying) will be blocked from facebook, msn etc. Bullying at school: Isolation and forced to apologise and even expelled. Both people bullying each other : Both apaolgise and foget about it. Violent bullying: Expelled or suspended Basically: IF SOMEONE IS BULLYING YOU TELL SOMEONE Also : IF YOU ARE THE BULLY THEN STOP

How can I get something on facebook fixed by talking to a live Facebook staff member?

why can't i see the people in the market

Why are so many people on Facebook?

Because they dont have a life. OR something better to do!

How can you track facebook ip address?

Probably not. But you need to report her to the facebook people because of the abuse. They're more equipped to do something about it.

Why is cyberbullying not allowed on Facebook?

Cyberbullying on FacebookCyberbullying on facebook is when someone posts offensive statements or writes mean things on your message on facebook. Cyberbullying on facebook could get your account denied from logging in, and your account suspended either temporarily or permanently. People cyberbully on facebook is because they may want attention from other facebook users or friends, and want to act cool. But they are actually breaking the facebook help center, and violating the facebook cyberbullying policy.

How many users did facebook have the first day?

When it started in the year 2004 something incredible about 272 people

Facebook fake account. Please help. This person is impersonating a lot of people. Can you help report them as does not represent a real person?

There are many fake Facebook accounts. If you feel they are doing something illegal then report it to Facebook.

Do people enjoy Facebook?

You can't enjoy Facebook, Facebook is a noun. People enjoy USING Facebook :)