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Well I've been in this situation before. What you need to do is to make sure he doesn't have a girlfriend. Then if he doesn't talk to him in txts or instant mail mesages and just get chatting. exchange memories you had together and soon he will probably start to miss you. That's how I sucseeded hope you do the same!.x

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Q: I still love my ex but i dont know how to tell him and im scared he might not love me back?
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I dont think he gets nightmares from any show because he doesnt get scared that often

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Mimes. I dont know why people are scared of clowns they are happy and cheerful and TALK!! Mimes dont say a word and usually have a weird scary look on their face. It is disturbing

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Well On my first concert... I was singing and at first i was a little scared but then i was totally used to it! And it was only in front of about 500 people but that was it. And the only thing im scared about happening is messing up but if your good then you dont need to worry.

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yes it is mostly its about him going back to high school and him being a vampire but dont worry jace and clary will still be main characters

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No they look alike but they dont they might be related

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well... you might, or you might not. If you always think about him or even just a little bit then you probably still do. Its hard to know if you still like a guy or girl still or not. If you look at the them a lot or even at glances then you still have feelings for them. If you rarely look at him/her and dont think about them or talk about them then odds are you over them. ! :D sometimes it could be a good thing, or a bad thing. If your dating that person and you dont think about him/her and stuff then you should really just break up with them . dont be scared or nervous to break up with them. You would rather break up with them then just lead them on and on. soo i hope i answered your question. ? tell me if i didnt .....! /:

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Just give your love even ur not sure if he feel the same cuz if u love someone u dont have to be scared...