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The size of Kentucky, a state in the US.

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Q: Iceland size can be compared to?
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What is the size of Iceland?

The physical size of Iceland is similar to the size of the state of Kentucky. The population is somewhere around 300,000 (2/3 of which live in Reykjavik).

Is it illegal to have a dog in Iceland?

It is not illegal to have a dog in Iceland, but the rules about owning them are quite strict compared to other countries.

What is the area size of Iceland in square miles?

Iceland - 39,768.51 square miles.

What can Poland's size be compared to?

Poland's size can be compared to a size of New Mexico.

What can Ecuador size be compared to?

ecuadors size can be compared to anything

How many kilometres in Iceland?

Iceland's total area is 103,001 km2 (108th in size).

What was the size of the iceland volcano?

5645 ft

What will happen to size of iceland?

it will go a little bigger

What does Iceland and Kentucky have in common?

They're almost the same size. Iceland: 103,001 km2 Kentucky: 104.749 km2

What size are the crystals in marble?

They are usually Medium size compared to those in Granite and compared to Basalt.

What size is Venezuela compared to?

The size of jupiter

How big is the us in size compared to north Korea?

korea is pea size compared to the us.