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maritime tropical

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Q: Identify the air mass indicated by composed of moist warm air?
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Identify the air mass indicated by this description composed of cold dry air?

Continental polar is indicated by composed of cold dry air.

What air mass composed of cold moist air?

A maritime polar air mass is composed of cold, moist air.

What air mass is indicated by composed of cold dry air?

The Continental Polar is composed of cold dry air.

What is the atomic mass composed of?

Atomic mass is composed of the mass of protons, neutrons, and electrons within an atom. Protons and neutrons reside in the nucleus of the atom, while electrons orbit around the nucleus. The sum of the masses of protons and neutrons is the primary contributor to the atomic mass.

What type of air mass effects California the most cool moist air or warm moist air?

cool moist air

What is the density of a ball with the mass of 94.9 grams?

Density is calculated by dividing the mass of an object by its volume. Without knowing the ball's volume, we cannot determine its density.

Is a tropical air mass warm and moist?


What condition are necessary for the formation of the?

a warm, moist, and unstable air massa warm, moist, and unstable air mass

A maritime tropical air mass is likely to be?

Warm and moist

Is a tropical continental air mass warm and moist?


What are the characteristics of the air in a maritime polar air mass?

A maritime polar air mass is characterized as a cold and moist air mass.

What causes air mass?

No single air mass "causes" tornadoes. This is Tornadoes form within thunderstorms. Thunderstorms form best when there is plentiful warm, moist air. So, a arm, moist air mass is usually present. Significant tornado activity, however, usually results from the thunderstorms that form near the boundaries between air masses. Usually where a warm, moist air mass meets a cooler or drier air mass.