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your spinal reflex is controlled ny the nerve going from the spine to the brain in 1941 Anthony madrado die from slow spinal; reflexes

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Q: Identify the components of the spinal reflex arc?
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What carry's impulse between the spinal cord and body parts?

Nerves. Spinal cord, nerve, effector organ (parts of body) are all components in the reflex arc. Hope I helped, 2000AD.

What controls reflex actions?

spinal cordautotomicspinal cord in the central nervous system controls reflex arc and reflex action.

What structure is the sensory neuron of spinal reflex arc?

nervus sestem

What are advantages are associated with the spinal cord and spinal nerve functioning below the level of consciousness?

You can have and you have the reflex arc situated spinal cord level. The function of the reflex arc can not be overemphasized. This reflex withdrawal from the harmful stimulus protects you to great extent. Secondly the spinal cord is well placed away from the brain. So that the arrangement of nerves in your brain becomes less complicated.

What advantages are associated with the spinal cord and spinal nerve function below the level of consciousness?

You can have and you have the reflex arc situated spinal cord level. The function of the reflex arc can not be overemphasized. This reflex withdrawal from the harmful stimulus protects you to great extent. Secondly the spinal cord is well placed away from the brain. So that the arrangement of nerves in your brain becomes less complicated.

Is a reflex arc part of the central nervous system peripheral or both?

A reflex arc includes components of both the central and peripheral nervous systems.

What advantages are associated with the spinal cord and spinal nerves nerves functioning below the level of consciousness?

You can have and you have the reflex arc situated spinal cord level. The function of the reflex arc can not be overemphasized. This reflex withdrawal from the harmful stimulus protects you to great extent. Secondly the spinal cord is well placed away from the brain. So that the arrangement of nerves in your brain becomes less complicated.

In a reflex arc which neuron has its cell body inside the spinal cord?

multi-polar neurons

Where does the nerve impulse travel from the reflex arc?

The nerve impulse travels through the reflex arc. It travels from the sensor through the sensory neurone, through the spinal cord and motor neurone to the effector muscle.

How does effector relate to reflex arc?

An effector is at the end of a reflex arc as it is the muscle or gland that 'does' the reflex. What the effector does is the outcome of the reflex arc.

What part of the nervous system is responsible for the reflex arc?

The peripheral nerves and the spinal cord. When a reflex starts, the peripheral nerves in the arms or legs send a signal to the spinal cord. Normally that signal is sent on to the brain for processing. In a reflex, the spinal cord itself sends a response back to the arm or leg to move immediately.

First step in a reflex arc?

A reflex arc involves the following components:The receptor is the part of the neuron (usually a dendrite) that detects a stimulus.The sensory neuron transmits the impulse to the spinal cord.The integration center involves one synapse (monosynaptic reflex arc) or two or more synapses (polysynaptic reflex arc) in the gray matter of the spinal cord.A motor neuron transmits a nerve impulse from the spinal cord to a peripheral region.An effector is a muscle or gland that receives the impulse from the motor neuron. In somatic reflexes, the effector is skeletal muscle. In autonomic (visceral) reflexes, the effector is smooth or cardiac muscle, or a gland.