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Q: If the sum of two consecutive odd numbers is 10000, what is the smaller of the two?
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It is 100^2=10000

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There are two consecutive odd numbers such that five times the smaller plus twice the greater is 25. What is the smaller number?

What is the sum of the first one hundred consecutive odd natural counting numbers?

Their sum is 10000.

What are consecutive odd numbers?

There are no two consecutive odd numbers.

The sum of two consecutive odd numbers is 100 What is the smaller number?

The two numbers can be thought of as: Smaller Odd Number = x + 1 (Add one to ensure it is an odd number) Larger Consecutive Odd Number = Smaller Number + 2 = x + 1 + 2 = x + 3 We know that Smaller Odd Number + Larger Consecutive Odd Number = 100 (X + 1) + (x + 3) = 100 2x + 4 = 100 2x = 96 x = 48 Smaller Odd Number = 48 + 1 = 49 The smaller odd number is 49. The next consecutive odd number of course is 51.

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The GCF of consecutive odd numbers is 1.

What two consecutive numbers add up to 60?

Consecutive whole numbers will have an odd sum. Consecutive odd numbers, or consecutive prime numbers, will be 29 and 31.

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There is no solution. You could do it if the numbers were odd: 25 and 27 are consecutive odd numbers that equal 52.

The sum of 2 consecutive odd numbers is 24. What is the smaller number?

The smaller number of the two is 11. The other is 13.

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There are none. However, there are two consecutive positive odd numbers: 25 and 27.

How do you make 92 with consecutive numbers?

Adding consecutive pairs of numbers will always turn out to be an odd number. It would have to be consecutive odd numbers: 45 and 47.

What is the sum of the first 60 consecutive odd numbers?

The sum of the first 60 consecutive odd numbers is 3,600.