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322.6 millilitres.

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Q: If I get drunk on 4 500ml cans of 5 percent beer how much 31 percent vodka would it take to get me just as drunk?
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How drunk would you get if you sat in a bath full of vodka?

not unless you drink the vodka, but if it goes up your butt, you will diewhy are you asking this anyway?the reason why you will die:when the alcohol enters your rectum it will get into your intestines before the liver can filter it out, hence to much alcohol in your blood, hence you die.

How much percent is there in a quarter liter of vodka?

It would depend on where you got it from, but most legally distilled vodka would be between 37% and 41% by volume alcohol. It does not matter what size the bottle is.

Approximately how many calories would one pint 500ml OF 3.5 percent of lager contain?

7 calories per ml, 7.5ml of alcohol, 122.5 calories.

What is the best vodka to kill bacteria?

Perhaps 100 or 94 proof ( = 50 or 47 percent alcohol) would work better than 80 proof (40 percent alcohol).

Would a cleaning bucket be 500ml or 5l?

It will be mostly likely 5L because 500mL will be more of less capacity so the Answer: is 5L.

What percent of alcohol is 60-proof vodka?

To find the percentage of alcohol, you cut the proof in half. So 60-proof vodka would be 30% alcohol.

Did the Russian drink a lot of vodka during ww2?

Yes they drank vodka so they would get drunk enough and go into the war and fight without fear of dying and so they would be more sure in them selves while they fight . alcohol makes you a different person if you are drunk enough so i guess it was enough to affect them for the good as some say but some actually were against it because they thought they were too emotionless and they died without no emotion like some useless beast. but vodka was always the symbol of Russia and not only in ww2 they drank it but almost in every friendly gathering

Is it bad to drink vodka then rum?

Ketel One, Svedka, or my personal favorite Sobieski are incredible vodkas. So I would say vodka is better than rum. But, there are some good rums out there. Vodka is just smoother and more versatile than rum.

What percent of the world is drunk at a given time?

Less than 1 percent worldwide. Remember that 25% of the people in the world are Muslims who generally do not drink, and a couple billion others simply can't afford to. If you ask that about people who can afford to get drunk and have access to alcohol, it would probably go up to 2 or 3 percent.

Would you capitalize 'vodka' of used with the brand name?

No, "vodka" should not be capitalized when used with a brand name. It should be written as "Absolut vodka" rather than "Absolut Vodka".

If you have half a bottle of premium Vodka and a bottle of well vodka is it okay to pour the well vodka into the premium vodka bottle so its full?

Most people would scream bloody murder at the idea, but vodka is designed to be tasteless, odorless, and colorless. I guarantee that if you did that, no one would know the difference.

How many 500ml of bottle water would it take to make a liter?