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An additional force of 3674N in the opposite direction, making the net force 0N, would provide constant acceleration. Since a = F/m, if F = 0 then a = 0, and constant velocity is when a = 0.

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6y ago

Newton 2nd Law is Force = mass x acceleration . A force of 3674 N would have to be applied in the opposite direction so no net force is acting and hence no acceleration only constant velocity, Newton1st law states that object will stay at rest or if in motion with velocity with no net force applied.

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No, you are not accelerating if you are traveling in a constant direction with a constant speed. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, so if your velocity remains constant, there is no acceleration.

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No, if an object is traveling at a constant velocity, it means that its speed and direction are not changing. Acceleration is the rate at which velocity changes over time, so an object with constant velocity by definition cannot have acceleration.

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No. The definition of 'acceleratiion' is 'any change in velocity'.

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When an object is not accelerating at all. It has constant velocity.

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No. Acceleration is any change of velocity.But its speed can be constant.

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This is not possible. Acceleration refers to a change in speed or direction, so if the speed is constant, there is no acceleration.

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No, since acceleration is defined as a change in velocity. If there is no change, there is no acceleration.

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No, an object cannot be accelerating if it has constant velocity. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, so if an object has constant velocity, it is not accelerating.

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When a falling object stops accelerating but is falling at a constant velocity, it is called terminal velocity.

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An object with a constant (vector)velocity is not accelerating. An object with a constand (scalar)speed can actually be accelerating, a car with a constant speed that passes around a corner is changing direction and is subjected to a lateral acceleration.

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No, a particle with constant speed cannot be accelerating, as acceleration is the rate of change of velocity. If a particle has constant velocity, it is not accelerating because its velocity is not changing in magnitude or direction.