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30 * pi ≈ 94

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Q: If a circle has a diameter of 30 feet how many feet is the total perimeter?
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How many lineal feet around a 9' circle?

A circle with a diameter of 9 feet has a perimeter of 28.3 feet.

How many lineal inches in 18 foot circle?

A circle with a diameter of 18 feet has a perimeter of 56.5 feet.

If a circle has a radius of 7.5 feet what is it's diameter?

The radius is half the diameter (R = D/2). The radius goes from the center of the circle to a point along the perimeter, while the diameter goes across the entire circle, connecting two points opposite each other along the perimeter. If the radius is 7.5 feet, then the diameter is 13 feet.

If the base of a semicircle is a feet What is its perimeter?

The circumference of a circle = 2π r = π a (where a is the base of the semicircle and is also the diameter of the circle) The perimeter of the semicircle = half the perimeter of the circle + the base length The perimeter of the semicircle = πa/2 + a = a(1 + π /2) feet

How many lineal inches in a 8 inch diameter circle?

A circle with an 8-inch diameter has a perimeter of 25.1 inches.

If the perimeter of the table is 40 feet how long is the table?

If the table is a circle and the perimeter is 40 feet, then the diameter (rounded to 2 decimal places) would be 12.74 circumference = diameter x pi so, diameter = circumference / pi

How many feet across is something that is 102 feet circumference?

Perimeter of a circle is Pi x diameter, so diameter = 102/3.142 = 32.46 ft

How many feet around is a 20' circle?

For a circle of 20 feet diameter, its perimeter equals Pai x diam = 3.14 x 20 feet equals 62.80 feet around 63 feet.

What is the circumference of a circle with a radius of 5 feet?

The circumference is pi times the diameter of the circle. Diameter is twice the radius, so the diameter is 10 feet. With pi approximately 3.14, the circumference (linear feet perimeter) is 31.4 feet.

If the circumference is 8 feet what is the diameter of the circle?

If the circumference is 8 feet, the diameter of the circle is: 2.55 feet.

What is the diameter of a circle with a circumference of 29 feet?

The diameter of a circle with a circumference of 29 feet is about: 9.231 feet.

What is the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 6 feet?

The circumference of a circle with a diameter of 6 feet is about 18.85 feet.