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no, it doesnt mean she is pregnant. A male and female cats both have nipples. The females use theirs if they ever get pregnant. It is a storage area for milk for when she is pregnant.

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Q: If a female cat has nipples is she pregnant?
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What if you cant find the nipples on a female cat if she is pregnant?

you feel through them on her body if that happened you'd have a messed up cat

Cat with testicles and nipplesMale or female?

A cat with testicles is male, while a cat with nipples can be either male or female. Nipples are a characteristic present in both male and female cats, but testicles are exclusive to male cats.

If a cat is a girl do they have big nipples?

not unless their pregnant

What do the nipples of a pregnant cat look like?

The nipples of a pregnant cat may become more prominent, larger, and darker in color. Additionally, they may feel firmer to the touch as the cat's body prepares for nursing.

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What do you call a male cat a female cat and a young cat?

A male cat is NOT called a "cat." The proper name is "Tom." Thus, a female cat is called a "Molly." However, if a female cat is pregnant or nursing, she is referred to as a "Queen."

Can a female cat get pregnant by itself?

No, a female cat cannot get pregnant by itself. A female cat would need to mate with a male cat to become pregnant.

How can you tell a female dog is pregnant?

her belly grows bigger and her nipples pop out

Do male kittens have nipples?

Yes, male kittens can have nipples, just like female kittens. Nipples are present in both male and female mammals, including cats.

Your cat has swollen nipples but has a piercing meow all the time is she pregnant?

She may be pregnaant, if not, in heat.

Is your cat pregnant?

Attitude change, nipples will appear differently, big belly(obviously), huge appetite, and for the first week of pregnancy, it will hurt to poo. These are the symtoms of my cat being pregnant.

Can a female cat get pregnant if not in heat?

No, a female cat must be in heat in order to become pregnant. This is when she releases eggs for fertilization. If a female cat is not in heat, she cannot get pregnant.