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Limestone with a pure white color normally formed in clear, warm water. It could also have formed in a river estuary as well as river beds.

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2w ago

Pure white limestone often forms in areas where the limestone has experienced very little exposure to impurities or contaminants during its formation process. This can happen in environments such as deep ocean basins, where the limestone can accumulate without being mixed with other sediments or minerals.

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11y ago

Not all limestone are white, some are green and some are a bit brownish.

Did you know crayons are made of limestone?

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Q: If a limestone has a pure white colour where did it form?
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Where does the pure white color of limestone come from?

There are different types of limestone rock in the UK which differ in colour. Carboniferous limestone is greyish and hard and made from the remains of corals. Jurassic limestone is yellowish and softer. It is oolitic (made from little eggs of calcite). Cretaceous limestone is very white and chalky. It is made from the skeletal remains of planktonic organisms.

Pure limestone when metamorphosed is what?

When pure limestone undergoes metamorphism, it can transform into marble. Marble is a metamorphic rock composed primarily of calcite crystals that have recrystallized under high pressure and temperature conditions.

What is the coloure of the limestone?

in its natural state limestone is normally pure white

Why is white considered a pure color?

White is considered a pure color because it has the highest level of brightness and reflects all wavelengths of visible light without absorbing any specific color. This gives it a clean and neutral appearance, often associated with innocence, simplicity, and cleanliness.

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we wear white to symolise we are starting new and pure as christians. the colour white means 'pure and fresh'

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White as pure, dry substance

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Pure calcium oxide is white.

What colour are white tigers?

Bit of a silly question WHITE tigers are pure WHITE With black stripes!

What is the colour used in Jesus prays on mount olive?

Pure white

What colour does sodium carbonate go?

Pure sodium carbonate is white.

How do you get white gold?

White gold is a mix of gold and other white metals like palladium or nickel, which give it its color. It's often plated with rhodium to enhance its whiteness. The proportion of these metals determines the final color of white gold.

What colour eggs do owls lay?

elf owl eggs are a pure white.