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Both of you, together and individually!

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Q: If a loan is in both husband and wifes name who is responsible for the debt?
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Is husband responsible for wifes medical bills in Florida?

No unless his name is on any debt or contract.

Is a wife responsible for her husband's debt in Wisconsin?

Yes, Wisconsin is a "marital property" state. This means that both the husband and wife "own" assets AND debt jointly.

Is a widow responsible for her husband's debt?

The husband's estate is responsible. If she was a co-signer or beneficiary of the debt, she will have some responsibility.

If judgment is in husband name is spouse responsible?

No. Not unless the creditor can prove the debt was for items you both used.

Is a spouse financially or legally responsible for debt of other spouse?

I divorced my husband and had the credit card debt negotiated so that he was the responsible party for paying the debt. He does not pay on the debt therefore I found out that I am liable for the debt because the card was opened in both names.

Can wifes pay be garnished for husbands debt?

If the debt is on a shared account, then yes, the wife's pay can be garnished even if the husband was the one who ran the debt up.

Who is responsible for marital debt?

Both of the spouses are responsible for the debt. They both benefited from the debt, so they are held responsibility.

Is the husband respoNsible for spouse credit card debt if the spouse has passed away?

Debts of the spouse are considered to have benefited both of them. He can be held responsible for the debts.

In Oklahoma am I responsible for debt that my ex husband incurred during the marriage if it is in his name only?

Yes, in Oklahoma a spouse is responsible for their exes debt during marriage. If the debt benefited both parties than both parties must pay. An attorney can help you explore your options.

Is your husband responsible for your credit card debt?


Can my new husband be held responsible for my ex-husband's unpaid debt?

Sadly, no.

Is a loan that was setup by the husband only in his name. without wifes signature still wifes debt?

Ask yourself the question that if the husband purchased a lottery ticket and the ticket was a winner, would the payments be partly the wife's?