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I am not a lawyer - this is only my view of things: any time anyone pushes you, i.e., lays hands on you - it may fall into the category of assault. If you were threatened, or injured, and feel you have been wronged, consult with an attorney. You could possible have a warrant issued by reporting the incident to the police.

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 14y ago

Yes and no. It depends on what you mean by "feeling threatened" and what the other person was doing - and how close to you were they standing. If they were within your "personal space" generally considered (in the Western world) to be within 10 inches of you and shouting curses and abuse in your face while waving their clenched fists, you would probably be justified. However, if they were simply standing a foot or more away and 'bad-mouthing' you with no further outward show of aggression, probably not. Different states have varying laws on this and you should probably do a little more local research on the question, perhaps by asking your local law enforcement agency.

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Q: If you feel threatened and shove someone away can you be charged with assault?
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Can you get arrested for pushing someone?

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Shove is not an adjective. It is a noun (a shove) and a verb (to shove).

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Gerald Shove was born in 1887.

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