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Q: If a phone has two numbers saved under one contact dose a text get sent to both numbers?
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Where is the eBay website phone number found?

The eBay website phone number can be found on the main eBay website under the "Contact" page link. Other phone numbers that can be used to contact eBay can be found on the Customer Service page link and the Resolution Center sub link.

Who controls phone numbers?

phone companiesAnswerTelephone companies usually control and provide available numbers under the supervision of the FCC.

How can I contact the airlines?

It depends on what you want. If you want to make a reservation, call 800 information and get the number. If you want to contact their corporate offices, Google the airline and check their websites for contact information. Almost all of them have email addresses and corporate phone numbers listed under "Contact information."

What is the blizzard entertainment numbers?

Their contact numbers are at the bottom of their main page under the 'Contact Us" tab. The linkl to their page is linked below.

How do you save your numbers to your phone and not your sim?

go to contacts, options, back up contacts, save to sim card

How to Transfer contacts in Nokia phone to new Nokia phone?

you can save the contact in to your sim card first, and then copy them to the E72. by the way, how much did you cost on the N95? the price was deoped so much recently? i ordered one on the at just under $230.

How to view saved passwords on an Android phone?

Under Settings>Security, you can check mark "Make passwords visible".

How do you do letters on the phone in Reality TV Island?

Letters are numbers. Look under them!!

How do you use the phone?

Any r u asking me?

How can one contact laboratory ovens supplier?

A laboratory ovens supplier can be contacted through email, phone or by mail. The contact information can be found by looking in a phone book under the yellow pages.

How do you contact nick?

You call Nick with a cell phone while you are underwater and under the influence of drugs

What is The letterhead of a business letter refers to?

Its the top part of the letter/paper. It typically has the name of the business or logo/motto and contact information (address, phone numbers, website) and sometimes a line acroos the paper under which the letter starts.