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This isn't a straight forward math question. A satellite in orbit at a height of 173 miles and is experiencing orbital decay of 1640 feet a day will eventually come into contact with the upper atmosphere. Atmospheric drag will begin to affect the orbital decay rate, and it will increase. It will not be long before atmospheric drag, which will be heating the satellite, offers so much resistance that the satellite will be burning up and will be slowing down extremely rapidly. It's orbital decay will not be a linear thing as suggested by the problem posed. Only for a while at the start will its decay rate remain constant.

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Q: If a satellite which is in orbit 173 miles from earth begins to fall at 1640 feet a day when will it hit the earth?
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About 18.5 miles/second or 66,600 mph.

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As a noun: The rocket placed the satellite into a high Earth orbit. As a verb: The satellite had to travel very fast to orbit the Earth.

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Sputnik orbited the earth about every 96 minutes. Yuri Gagarin managed the same. What is the speed relative to the earth? Earth's radius is about 4000 miles. If you do the math, you should get a velocity of about 18,000 miles per hour. Higher satellites orbit slower. A geosynchronous satellite (around 22,000 miles up) is stationary with respect to earth's surface. The moon, earth's natural satellite, orbits once every 27.3 days.

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YES As height increases, speed of satellite decreases.

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