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2w ago

If a solute completely dissolves in a solvent, then the solution is called a saturated solution. This means that no more solute can dissolve in the solvent at that particular temperature and pressure.

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15y ago

a saturated solution

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Q: If a solute completely dissolves in a solvent then the solutuion is?
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What dissolves the solvent or solute?

The solvent dissolves the solute. (The solute dissolves in the solvent.)

What dissolves solvent or solute?

The solvent dissolves the solute. (The solute dissolves in the solvent.)

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What is the mixture formed when a solute dissolves completely in a solvent?

The mixture formed when a solute dissolves completely in a solvent is called a homogeneous solution. In a homogeneous solution, the solute particles are uniformly distributed and cannot be seen with the naked eye.

What is meaning of solvent and solute?

Solute is the substance that dissolves and solvent is the liquid in which the solute dissolves in

Is a solvent the substance that dissolves the solute?

Yes because the solute gets dissolved when put in the solvent

What is the difference between solvent and solute?

Solvent is a substance that dissolves a solute to form a solution. Solute the substance that dissolves in a solvent.

What is the substance that dissolves to make a solution?

The substance that dissolves is called the "solute" and the substance that the solute dissolves in is called the "solvent".

What happens to an solute?

In a solution, a solute is the substance that is dissolved in the solvent. The solute particles disperse evenly throughout the solvent due to random molecular motion. This results in a homogeneous mixture with uniform properties.

What do the terms solute and solvent mean?

A solute dissolves in a solvent. For example, salt dissolves in water.

Substance that dissolves a solute?

A solvent is a substance that dissolves a solute to form a solution. The solute particles disperse and mix evenly throughout the solvent. Water is a commonly used solvent due to its ability to dissolve a wide range of solutes.

What is a Solute and solvent in smoke?

The solute becomes dissolved in the solvent, while the solvent dissolves the solute.