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Q: If a vehicle speed increases its stopping distance does what?
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What happens to the stopping distance when the vehicle speed increases?

The distance needed to stop also increases.

What happens to the stopping distance when a vehicle increases it's speed?

The distance needed to stop also increases.

What happens to the stopping distance when the car speed increases?

Stopping distance also increases.

As a vehicles speed increases it's stopping distance?

With increased speed, stopping distance increases.

As a vehicles speed increases what happens to stopping distance?

It increases faster than the speed increase ... approximately the square of the speed. So twice the speed results in 4 times the stopping distance.

Does reducing speed increases a drivers stopping distance?

No it decreases it.

Is it twice the stopping distance for a car in freezing conditions?

No - the stopping distance depends on the speed of the vehicle - it' not simply a case of 'doubling-up'.

What stopping distance depend on?

Speed, weight of vehicle, condition of road surface, condition of tires, and reaction time of the driver.

What is the equation to find the stopping distance for a vehicle going any speed?

ten feet for every ten miles an hour

What determines the stopping distance?

Stopping distance as in braking distance: Braking distance refers to the distance a vehicle will travel from the point where the brakes are fully applied to when it comes to a complete stop. It is affected by the original speed of the vehicle, the type of brake system in use, the reaction time of the driver/rider and the cefficient of friction between the tires and the road surface.

What happens to a graph of time and distance as speed increases?

The graph of distance vs time increases exponentially as speed increases.

What is the Stopping distance at 20 mph?

using the formula, speed squared divided by 20 plus speed gives 40 feet approximate stopping distance at 20mph.