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The stream of air carries away the carbon dioxide formed in the decomposition. If it were allowed to build up in the kiln, it would start to react again with the newly formed calcium oxide, and an equilibrium would be set up instead of the reaction's going to completion.

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5d ago

If air is not allowed to stream through the kiln, the production of lime would be affected because it relies on the process of calcination, where calcium carbonate is heated to produce calcium oxide (lime) and carbon dioxide. Without air, the carbon dioxide generated cannot escape, leading to incomplete calcination and a lower yield of lime. Additionally, the presence of air helps regulate the temperature inside the kiln, ensuring efficient and uniform calcination.

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Q: If air was not allowed to stream through the kiln how would the production of lime be affected and why is this?
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How does the oxygen the you breathe in get to the rest of your body?

When you inhale, oxygen enters your lungs and diffuses into the bloodstream through tiny air sacs called alveoli. The oxygen binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells, which then carries it to different parts of the body via the circulatory system. This process is called gas exchange and ensures that oxygen reaches all cells for energy production.

Definition of recycle and purge stream?

Recycle stream is a process in which a portion of the output stream is returned to the input stream for further processing. Purge stream is the removal of a portion of the output stream to prevent accumulation of impurities or by-products in the system.

Why does blood hydrogen ion concentration decrease as the body's metabolic rate decreases?

When the body's metabolic rate decreases, there is less production of carbon dioxide, which is a byproduct of metabolism and contributes to the formation of hydrogen ions in the blood. As a result, with lower metabolic activity, there is a decrease in the production of hydrogen ions, leading to a decrease in blood hydrogen ion concentration.

Where is oxygen absorbed in the blood stream?

Oxygen is absorbed in the blood stream primarily in the lungs through the process of diffusion. When we breathe in, oxygen from the air enters the lungs and diffuses across the alveoli into the capillaries, where it binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells and is transported throughout the body.

Alcohol can be eliminated from the blood stream by?

Alcohol is primarily eliminated from the blood stream through the liver, where it is metabolized into acetaldehyde and then further broken down into acetic acid. Approximately 90% of alcohol is eliminated through the liver, with the remainder being eliminated through breath, urine, and sweat. Time is the most effective way for alcohol to be completely eliminated from the body.

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the heart is the most affected organ, since all the cholesterol has to go through it while in the blood stream. but all other organs are affected, too. cholesterol can build up in the arteries, causing blood flow to be greatly diminished to any of the organs in the body. the heart is the most affected organ, since all the cholesterol has to go through it while in the blood stream. but all other organs are affected, too. cholesterol can build up in the arteries, causing blood flow to be greatly diminished to any of the organs in the body.

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Yes, the thermohaline currents will be affected.

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