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Q: If automobile producers expect prices of automobiles to increase in the near future what happens to supply today?
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if the they producers then my result will be the different because if mushroom increase then my experiment say decrease then it will be different

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What happens to light energy if it is not absorbed by producers?

If light energy is not absorbed by producers (plants and other photosynthetic organisms), it is either reflected, transmitted, or absorbed by other materials in the environment, such as soil or water. The energy may be converted into heat or be used by non-photosynthetic organisms for various processes.

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The development of a new energy source reduces production costs for a company.

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Shortage. :)

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Klk dime ave

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Generally, an automobile dealer cannot cancel a financed contract after ten days. If this happens to you, you should contact a lawyer.

What happens to the strength of a base as the pH value increase?

Also increase.

What happens to solar energy not stored by primary producers?

Solar energy not stored by primary producers is eventually lost as heat through processes like respiration and transpiration, or reflected back into the environment. It does not get transferred to higher trophic levels in the food chain.