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Q: If chauffeur is to car then what is jockey to?
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Related questions

Who is paid to drive a persons car?

That would be a chauffeur.

Car hire?

Chauffeur Car hire in Derby

Who is employed to drive a car?

A Chauffeur

One who drives the car?

Driver or chauffeur

Who is a person that is paid to drive a car?


Can you drink in a car with a chauffeur license?

No you cannot

What do you call a person who drives rich people around?

I suppose you call him a chauffeur?

What is the sentence of chauffeur?

The chauffeur drove the car up to the door and got out to help the passenger put the packages in the trunk.

How do use chauffeur in a sentence?

My rich aunt cannot drive,so she has employed a chauffeur to drive her to places in her car

Can you hire a chauffeur?

Yes of course you can. There are plenty of places that offer this service and sometimes you can hire a car and the chauffeur with it as well.

What services does Purple Parking offer at Gatwick airport?

A chauffeur will meet you outside the terminal and will drive your car to their car park. And once you return from your trip, a chauffeur will return your car to you outside the terminal.

A servant who drives a car?

A person who is employed to drive a car for someone is a chauffeur.