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The total quantity is constant. The energy is transformed into different types e.g. potential energy is transformed into kinetic and sound energy.

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Q: If energy is neither created or destroyed what is it?
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What is neither created nor destroyed in a chemical change?

Energy is neither created or destroyed.

What does it mean that energy is neither created nor destroyed?

Energy is cannot be created nor destroyed it can only be moved.

In any physical or chemical process energy is neither created nor destroyed?

Energy is neither created nor destroid because energy is transfer from one form into another

What 2 processes create energy?

Energy can neither be created or destroyed.

Is it true that energy can be created or destroyed?

No. The first law of thermodynamics states that energy may be neither created nor destroyed.

Energy that cannot be created or destroyed?

It is a fundamental that energy can neither be created or destroyed just changed from one form to another.

Matter can't be created or destroyed but can energy?

Neither of them can be created or destroyed, but converting one into the other is possible.

Can energy be created and sometimes destroyed?

No. The laws of conservation of energy dictate that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Mass and energy are equivalent, so energy can only change forms.

What the law of conservation of energy means?

It means that energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

What does the law of conservation of energy means?

It means that energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

Who discovered the Law of Coservation of Energy?

a matter that cant be created or destroyed. it can change form but have a fixed volume.

What objects can't be destroyed?

Matter can neither be created or destroyed, the same goes for energy