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This depends on the particular state that you live in. This is called the law of intestate succession, and a person that dies without a will is said to have died intestate. It is strictly a matter of state law. However, in virtually all of the states, if the spouse dies without a will, the wife is entitled to a significant portion of the estate, and the rest is then distributed to the children or the siblings, as the case may be.

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Q: If husband dies without a will is wife entitled to the estate?
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Yes. A surviving spouse is entitled to a statutory share of an intestate (without a will) estate in most jurisdictions. You can check the laws in your state at the related question link provided below.

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You can open an estate for the deceased. Mississippi has a specific method for the distribution of the estate without a will.

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They may be entitled to a portion of his estate under the state laws of intestacy. You can check your state laws at the related question link below.

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You are still legally married. In the US a wife cannot be disinherited by a will in most states. She has the right to a statutory share of her husband's estate in almost every state. If her husband dies intestate (without a will) she has a statutory right to a portion of his estate in almost every state.You can check the laws of intestacy for your state at the related question link provided below.

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