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Yes it can

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Q: If im worried about being pregnant could that cause a late period?
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If you worry that you are pregnant can you miss your period?

Actually, yes. Stress can cause your period to come late. If you are really worried, try a cheap pregnancy test. That will tell you for sure if you are or not.

Can stressing about being pregnant cause your period to be late or just stressing in general?


Should you be worried usually get a regular period but it is 3 days late now and during the month you have had sex with your partner but have used condoms should you be worried?

No you should not be worried. There are many things that can cause a period to be late even if you are regular. Being stressed, worried, anxious, stuff like that can throw it off by a few days to even a week. Like if you're worried about the possibility of being pregnant, and you know you took all the right steps in preventing a pregnancy, and there were no oppsies. You're just psyching yourself out, and that stress can actually delay a period. If you don't get your period within a week of when you normally start, do take a pregnancy test or consult your doctor. Hope this helps. Best of luck :)

If you have a IUD and you become pregnant while on it do you still have your period?

no cause you dont get a period while pregnant

What could cause you to miss your period other than being pregnant?

Stress can and so can having the flu or getting sick.

Your last period was July 28 in august is not here yea should i be worry?

Yes, you should be worried cause most likely that means your pregnant. Unless you have a irregular period then that's different. But you should take a pregnantcy just in case.

What can cause you to not have your period besides being pregnant?

polycystic ovaries, stress......several things. See your Dr or gyno for a proper diagnoses.

What cause a female to miss a period?

A woman can miss periods for several reason (stress, illness, starvation, etc.) but pregnancy is also a common reason. If you are worried you may be pregnant get a home pregnancy test at the drugstore.

That is wrong when you did not have your period for 2 months but you know you not pregnant?

Stress can cause the absence of a period.

What is the cause for you to miss your period for two months?

you may be pregnant!

Can a girl get pregnant not having her period in two months?

A girl won't get pregnant from not having her period; she may get pregnant from having sexual intercourse. However, the lack of the period may be an indication of pregnancy (but not the cause).

When your period is late do your emotions control it?

Emotions do not directly control your menstrual cycle or cause your period to be late. However, stress, anxiety, or emotional upheavals can sometimes contribute to changes in your menstrual cycle, including potentially causing a delay in your period. It's always a good idea to talk to a healthcare provider if you're experiencing significant changes or irregularities in your menstrual cycle.