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Q: If more than one wound of found?
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If more than one wound is found during a quick assessment What should you do?

Treat the most serious wound first.

If more than one wound is found during a patient assessment what should you do?

Treat the most serious wound first.

What does wound the one that rhymes with found mean?

The word "wound" has more than one definition, and can be pronounced differently. So, wound, meaning a cut or abrasion on your body, rhymes with mooned or swooned. But wound, meaning wrapped around, rhymes with found, bound, hound, mound, etc.

If more than one wound is found in a quick patient assessment which should be treated first?

easy answer: the worst one. more complex answer: evaluate each wound for location, size and impact to life. the small wound over the carotid artery that is spurting blood 10 feet is worse than the big leg wound that is mostly clotted.

What should you do if you found more than one wound during a patient assesment?

Treat the most serious would first

If more than one wound is found during a quick patient assesment what should you do?

Treat the most serious would first

What should you do if more than one wound is found during a quick patient assessment?

Assess both wounds. Assess for blood loss. Treat the most serious wound first. Protect the lesser wound(s) until those can be treated. Transport as soon as safe to do so.

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No. The individual knows his deepest fears and desires and that gives him an unlimited ability to wound his own spirit. No one but yourself can wound your spirit.

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