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Although the atmosphere is rich in nitrogen gas, plants cannot use this form directly. Nitrogen needs to be converted into a usable form like nitrates by soil bacteria for plants to uptake. In cases where the soil lacks these nitrogen-fixing bacteria or has been depleted due to overfarming, there can be a shortage of available nitrogen for plants.

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Q: If nearly 79 of the atmosphere is made of nitrogen how could there be a shortage of nitrogen in soil?
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If nearly 79 percent of the atmosphere in nitrogen How could there be a shortage in some soils?

While nitrogen makes up a significant portion of the Earth's atmosphere, this form of nitrogen cannot be directly utilized by plants. Plants rely on nitrogen in the form of nitrates and ammonium found in the soil for growth. Soils can face nitrogen shortages if they lack sufficient nitrogen-fixing bacteria to convert atmospheric nitrogen into usable forms, or if excessive leaching, volatilization, or plant uptake depletes available nitrogen.

How could there be a shortage of nitrogen in soil?


What would happen if the bacteria that cause denitrification were removed from the nitrogen cycle?

If the bacteria responsible for denitrification were removed from the nitrogen cycle, there would be an accumulation of excess nitrate in the environment. This could lead to water pollution, eutrophication of water bodies, and disruptions in the overall nitrogen balance. It would also affect plant growth and ecosystem health.

How will burning be affected if nitrogen is not in air to act as a diluent for oxygen?

Nitrogen being diluent for the gases in our atmosphere reduces the combustion process as it dilutes the oxygen in the atmosphere, otherwise every combustion process will be very rapid and will start with a bang. :)

Which of the following gases could be found in the atmosphere with a concentration greater than 1 percent?

Oxygen (O2) and nitrogen (N2) are the two main gases that make up the Earth's atmosphere, with oxygen typically present at around 21% and nitrogen at around 78%. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is also a component of the atmosphere, but its concentration is currently around 0.04%.

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If nearly 79 percent of the atmosphere in nitrogen How could there be a shortage in soil?


If nearly 78 of the atmosphere is made of nitropen how could there be a shortage of nitrogen?

While nitrogen makes up about 78% of the atmosphere, it is mainly in the form of N2 gas, which is not readily available for use by plants and animals. Nitrogen is needed in a bioavailable form, such as nitrate or ammonium, for living organisms to use. The shortage of nitrogen refers to the availability of bioavailable forms of nitrogen, which can be limited in certain ecosystems due to factors like leaching, denitrification, or high demand by plants.

If nearly 79 percent of the atmosphere in nitrogen How could there be a shortage in some soils?

While nitrogen makes up a significant portion of the Earth's atmosphere, this form of nitrogen cannot be directly utilized by plants. Plants rely on nitrogen in the form of nitrates and ammonium found in the soil for growth. Soils can face nitrogen shortages if they lack sufficient nitrogen-fixing bacteria to convert atmospheric nitrogen into usable forms, or if excessive leaching, volatilization, or plant uptake depletes available nitrogen.

How could there be a shortage of nitrogen in soil?


Where on earth could you find nitrogen?

Our atmosphere is made up of 78 % nitrogen.

Is there atmosphere in Makemake?

The presence of methane and possibly nitrogen suggests that Makemake could have a transient atmosphere similar to that of Pluto.

Why is nitrogen's maximum level in the Atmosphere?

Nitrogen makes up 78% of our atmosphere and the atmosphere contains 3,346,200,000,000,000,000 cubic meters of nitrogen. Because nitrogen is a gas it tends to gather in the atmosphere rather then say, stay trapped underground. That is why its maximum concentration is in the atmosphere. It's a good thing there is so much in our atmosphere too. Without it, the earth would get pummeled by gamma rays from our sun. This could turn the earth into a radioactive wasteland.

What does an increase in nitrogen in the atmosphere mean?

An increase in nitrogen in the atmosphere can result from human activities like burning fossil fuels and agriculture. This excess nitrogen can contribute to air pollution, smog formation, and ecosystem disruption through processes like eutrophication, where excessive nitrogen in water bodies can lead to algal blooms and negatively impact aquatic life.

Where is nitrogen natrally found?

The Earth's atmosphere is 78% nitrogen. If you could see it, it's flowing in and out of your lungs as you're reading this. It's also found in compounds in soil.

What is atmospheric nitrogen fixationand how does it affect organisms?

The atmosphere is made up of 70% nitrogen. Nitrogen is also a key ingredient for proteins and nucleic acids such as DNA, and without these, no life could exist. However, the nitrogen in the atmosphere is unusable for most organisms. A few types of microorganisms are capable of fixing nitrogen into a bioavailable form, and that is the process of nitrogen fixation. The fixed nitrogen can then be used by plants to create amino acids, and the amino acids are then consumed by animals.

What is in Erie?

Methane and Nitrogen. Eris is now the farthest it could be from the sun, hence its atmosphere is frozen onto the surface. As it get closer to the sun in the future, its atmosphere will appear and gaseous state becomes dominant.

What element will comprise earth's atmosphere hydrogen oxygen or nitrogen?

compromise? Hydrogen, if you could find enough to convert the oxygen into water. If you mean comprise then its 79 % nitrogen, 21 & oxygen, and 1% argon