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There is no reliable "natural" method for ensuring the sex of a baby. As sperm are responsible for the baby's sex, it would be necessary either to ensure that the male produces sperm carrying the appropriate chromosomes for the desired sex. There is no way of doing this. Optionally, it is possible to increase the concentration within semen of sperm carrying the coding for one sex or the other, as the two different kinds of sperm are of different weights, and semen can be processed in a centrifuge to separate lighter from heavier sperm. This does not guarantee results, but increase the chance of fertilisation by a sperm of the desired sex. Of course, this process requires use of a form of IVF. This process is difficult and generally only used when serious adverse results are expected if a child is of a particular sex.

Filtering techniques are of no use, of course, for men who only produce viable sperm for one sex but not the other.

The simplest solutions are adoption or being content with whatever you get.

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Q: If parents have a baby girl and want their second baby to be a boy what do they do?
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How do females pick the males in sexual selection?

it doesnt matter if you are a female and you want a female mate you can have a girlfriend when your a girl. if you want a male and you are a female then you can choose a male it doesnt matter if you are a female and you want a female mate you can have a girlfriend when your a girl. if you want a male and you are a female then you can choose a male

Sighns that a girl likes you?

A girl who likes you will not push you out of their personal space if you get closer then usual. (As a girl) we tend to enjoy being around the guys we like and laugh and pay close attention when they talk. If they run away from you sometimes its cause they don't want people to know they like you. Hope you get your girl!! xD

How do you kiss a girl in 6 grade?

im a 6th grade girl and trust me most of us dont wanna be kissed, im not that girl who dosnt like boys or has never had a boyfriend, i have its just most arnt ready yet. with that said if you really want to do it outside of school for 2 reasons 1. most schools dont allow it 2. she'll be more likely to kiss you alone, beacuse she may not want others to see/tease her about it

How do you know if a girl wants to kiss ME if im a girl. And is it bad if you just want to kiss a girl if your a girl because u want to know how it feels?

Right now you are what called "bi curious" it means you are straight but curious to see what a woman feels like. I'm almost sure that you will kiss her, like it for a week and then know that you aren't bi, you are straight. I am almost sure. Unless you are really bi. It isn't BAD. It just what normal people do. Since you are in the middle of puberty you have hormones in your body that give you urges to do sexual stuff. It will get better. But remember. ITS NOT BAD TO FEEL THIS WAY.

How do you get really wet?

im a girl and i rub my clit and push and i get all wet but dont do it in bed unless you want pee sheets lol

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