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800N/2m^2 = 400N/m^2

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Q: If the downward force on an object equals 800 N and the area over whch the force is excerted is 2 meter squared what is the pressure exerted?
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The pressure exerted by the piston would be 10 Pa (Pascals), calculated by dividing the force (12 N) by the area (1.2 m²).

What force is exerted on an object in with an area 2.5 M squared if the pressure is 99500 PA?

99500 x 2.5 = 248,750 Newtons

What is the SI unit for pressure which is equal to one Newton exerted over 1 meter squared?

One Newton per square metre is one Pascal.

How much pressure do you experience when you balance a 5 kg ball on the tip of your finger say an area of 1cm cubed?

First of all, "cm cubed" is a volume, not an area. "cm squared" is an area.On earth, the downward force (weight) exerted by a 5-kg mass is 49 newtons (11.02 pounds).pressure = (force) / (area) = 49 newtons per cm2 = 490 kilopascal.Also 71.1 PSI. (rounded)

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The pressure exerted by the book can be calculated using the formula: Pressure = Force/Area. In this case, the force is the weight of the book (10 N) and the area is given as 2m. Therefore, the pressure exerted by the book is 5 Pa (Pascals).

What is 9.8 meters per seconds squared?

it is the downward aceeleration of the earth

What is the pressure exerted by the water bed with dimension of 2 m 2 m which is 30 cm thick?

Unfortunately, there is a missing variable from your question. In order to calculate pressure, we need to know the force being exerted upon an object. The formula for calculating Pressure is Force/Area.The total surface area of the bed would be roughly 10.2 meters squared. This gives us the "Area" part. But we still need to know force.

What is (x-2) squared -250?

Pressure is defined as the following Pressure = force / area. So what this means is pressure is how much force is exerted over a area of given size. For examle a concrete slab is on the floor this slab has a width of 2m and a length of 2 m its area is 2 x 2 which gives 2m Squared. Its force it exerts is 1000 newtons ok what the hell does this mean? if you place this in the formula you will get pressure = 1000/4 Pressure = 250 newtons per square metre. I hope this answers you question on what pressure is.

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45000 m/ s squared

What is the SI unit which is equal to 1 N exerted over 1 m squared?

1 Pascal.

What is the force exerted by a gas at a pressure of 325 torr on an area of 5.5m squared?

The force exerted by the gas is calculated using the formula F = P * A, where F is the force, P is the pressure, and A is the area. Plugging in the values, F = 325 torr * 5.5m^2 = 1787.5 N. So, the force exerted by the gas is 1787.5 Newtons.

A force of 40 north is exerted on a 10-kg box. what is the box's acceleration?

4 meters per second squared