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Q: If the respiratory system fails which other body systems will eventually fail?
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What are the effects if your respiratory system fails?


What kind of doctor would be called if the respiratory system fails?

a pulmonologist.

How does the respiratory failure affect the muscular and circulatory system?

we need muscles when we inhale or exhale the air therefore muscular syestem helps us inthat inhaling and exhaling

What happens to the other body systems if the respiratory system fails?

Your body needs constant supply of the oxygen in order to survive. If respiratory system stop working, you will die, say within five to seven minutes. Brain needs oxygen constantly. It will stop working and you become unconscious. You will die eventually with out oxygen. (Clean and fresh air is the birth right of every individual. It is denied now a days due to air pollution.)

What happens if the circulatory system fails?

Eventually you die. The circulatory system is comprised of the heart and other related systems and functions in transport of nutients and oxgen around the body . If it fails then the body parts which need these substances are left without them and as these substances are vital to survival then you die shortly after.

When this system fails what other systems does it effect?

you will die LOL by luis barrera

What happens to the other systems if the skeletal system fails?

All the sytems will fail and you will die

What system helps the circulatory system?

All the systems work together to make you live. If one fails they will all fail

What will happen if one part of the respiratory and circulatory system fails to carry out its function properly?

you wouldn't be able to breathe and you would die.

How does the nervous system affect other systems?

it is the control centre for the body, if it fails, all the other bodily systems fail, they shutdown, you die

What are the disadvantages of accounting information system?

To many companies rely on accounting information systems because they are so prevalent. If the system fails, the business would be at a loss for information.

What happens if the skeletal systems fails?

Depends on how you define "fails". If a body has no skeletal system, it's pretty much just a bag of jelly because everything else in the body is soft and holds no firm shape.