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Your question has a different answer in almost every state. I guess the best for you to do is check with the local laws governing paternity in your state. The most common law shared by all states is that if you are wanting child support, applying for AFDC or food stamps, you must name the father of your child(ren). If he disputes the claim, he will have to get a paternity test. It is as simple as opening his mouth and having a swab ran on the inside of his cheek. Again, check with your state for rules/laws. In court, trying to establish parental rights, custody, and again, in support issues, the judge will order the man to submit to a DNA test. It will be court ordered, so he will be "forced" or face penalty of contempt of court.

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Q: If the unwed mother wants a guy who may possibly be the father if her child to take a DNA test does he have to?
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Of course not. In the United States an unwed mother has sole custody of her child until the father has established his paternity legally, in court. Then he must petition for custody and/or visitation rights. He cannot make any changes in the custody of the child via a power of attorney. The unwed mother should exercise her parental rights aggressively and not allow grandparents or the father to take control of her "rights".

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A child from an unwed mother is called an illegitimate child. Also called a bastard.

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Yes the bilogical father will get the child .

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By virtue of being "unwed" the mother will have sole custody. Father will have file some type of paternity action.

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The CitiZen Chil will be adopted by Federal / State

Does a father have to pay child support to and unwed pregnant mother?

Morally, YES. If the court says so, yes.

Can an unwed mother deny the unwed father a paternity or DNA test?

No. No woman can by law deny a potential or possible father of a paternity test of their child(ren).

Can an unwed father sign a birth certificate if the mother was married when the child is born?

Yes, if he is the one who fathered the child. Father's do not typically sign the birth certificate though, although he can be named on it.

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yes see link