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Sunlight bounces around in the atmosphere, extending the length of the day both in the morning (before sunrise) and after sunset, roughly 30 minutes or so. Without an atmosphere it would be pitch black as soon as the sun set far enough for light to extinguish from any mountain slope eastward of you--the total day would be about an hour shorter.

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Q: If there were no atmosphere what will happen to length of day?
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What happen to the length of the day on the earth If there is no atmosphere?

With no atmosphere, there would be no "twilight". Twilight is caused by the scattering of sunlight in the atmosphere. With no atmosphere, you'd go from "day" to "night" with nothing in between.

What would happen to the length of the day if you had no atmosphere?

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What day did D day happen?

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How does refraction of light vary the length of the day?

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