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Assuming position is measured between the cars and not their starting points?

  • With constant speed the Distance over time graph would have a 1:1 slope or 45 degree angle.

  • While the Velocity (which is constant) over time would be be a horizontal flat line.
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1w ago

In the position vs time graph, the two cars traveling in opposite directions would show lines sloping downwards in opposite directions, representing their positions changing in opposite directions over time. In the velocity vs time graph, the two cars would have opposite signs for their velocities since they are moving in opposite directions. The velocity vs time graph would show two lines, one positive and one negative, representing the velocities of the cars.

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11y ago

They can travel on the same road in opposite directions.

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Q: If two cars are traveling at the same time constant speed but in opposite directions explain how position vs time graph and the velocity vs time graph would be different?
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How can two cars have equal and opposite momentum if travelling at differen speeds?

Two cars can have equal and opposite momentum if they have different masses. Momentum is the product of mass and velocity, so even if the two cars are traveling at different speeds, their momenta can be equal and opposite as long as their masses are inversely proportional to their velocities.

What are two different forces acting in opposite directions called?

Two forces acting in opposite directions are called balanced forces. When balanced forces act on an object, the object's motion remains constant or remains at rest.

When does two objects traveling at the same speed have different velocities?

Two objects can travel at the same speed but have different velocities if they are moving in different directions. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes speed and direction, so if the two objects are moving in opposite directions or at different angles relative to a reference point, their velocities will be different.

Can a bus change direction of its velocity when traveling with constant acceleration?

Yes, a bus can change the direction of its velocity when traveling with constant acceleration. This change in velocity can occur when the bus is accelerating in the opposite direction to its initial velocity. The bus will slow down, stop, and then start moving in the opposite direction.

What is the difference between stationary waves and standing waves?

Stationary waves and standing waves are the same phenomenon. They are waves that appear to be standing still due to interference between two waves of the same frequency traveling in opposite directions. This causes certain points along the wave to appear stationary while other points oscillate with varying amplitudes.

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How can two cars have equal and opposite momentum if travelling at differen speeds?

Two cars can have equal and opposite momentum if they have different masses. Momentum is the product of mass and velocity, so even if the two cars are traveling at different speeds, their momenta can be equal and opposite as long as their masses are inversely proportional to their velocities.

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What are two different forces acting in opposite directions called?

Two forces acting in opposite directions are called balanced forces. When balanced forces act on an object, the object's motion remains constant or remains at rest.

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If they are traveling in opposite directions, then they are traveling away from each other at a speed of 95 miles per hour. 380/95=4 They have been traveling for four hours.

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Where rocks on opposite side of a fault move in opposite directions or in the same directions at different rate?

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Where rocks on opposite sides fault move in opposite directions or in the same directions at different rates?

strike slip fault

What cause standing wave?

A standing wave is also known as a stationary wave. It is a wave that remains in a constant position. This phenomenon can occur because the medium is moving in the opposite direction to the wave, or it can arise in a stationary medium as a result of interference between two waves traveling in opposite directions.

What does a standing wave result from?

Standing waves are also known as stationary waves. They are waves that remain in a constant position. This phenomenon can occur because the medium is moving in the opposite direction to the wave, or it can arise in a stationary medium as a result of interference between two waves traveling in opposite directions.

Is stationary wave is wave?

A standing wave is also known as a stationary wave. It is a wave that remains in a constant position. This phenomenon can occur because the medium is moving in the opposite direction to the wave, or it can arise in a stationary medium as a result of interference between two waves traveling in opposite directions.

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Shearing is the force that pushes rocks from different but not opposite directions. Secondary waves, S waves are all names for the shearing.