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The thinner the wire, the higher the resistance. The thicker the wire, the resistance decreases. Think of it this way. The thick wire has more room for electrons to jump around, but the thin wire has less room.

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Q: If two wires of the same material have the same thickness but different length the blank wire will have greater resistance?
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How does a wire's cross section affect resistance?

If two pieces of wire are made of the same material and have the same length but different resistance, then the one with the greater cross section area has the lower resistance.

Does thickness of a metal affect its electrical resistance?

Metals are conductive, but are not perfect conductors and so they have some electrical resistance. How the resistance of the metal is affected by "thickness" depends on what you mean by thickness. If the electrical current has to flow through a longer piece of metal, then the resistance of the metal to electrical flow would be greater. However, if you take that same length of metal and increase the area of the metal by increasing its "thickness", then the resistance of the metal becomes less.

Three ways which resistance of a wire can be increased?

You can increase the resistance in the wire, by doing any of the following:Increase the length of the wire.Reduce the wire's cross-section.Change to a material that has a greater resistivity (specific resistance).You can increase the resistance in the wire, by doing any of the following:Increase the length of the wire.Reduce the wire's cross-section.Change to a material that has a greater resistivity (specific resistance).You can increase the resistance in the wire, by doing any of the following:Increase the length of the wire.Reduce the wire's cross-section.Change to a material that has a greater resistivity (specific resistance).You can increase the resistance in the wire, by doing any of the following:Increase the length of the wire.Reduce the wire's cross-section.Change to a material that has a greater resistivity (specific resistance).

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Aluminium wire has high resistance than Copper.

How does the material and the thickness affect the sound that travels through?

thickness doesnt affect it. The higher the density of the material, the greater the speed of sound. e.g 330 m/s in air 1500 m/s in water 4500 m/s in solids

Why does a 3 pin plug have big ground pin?

Resistance =pl/a where a is "area". And area is directly propotional to lenght and thickness. so if the area is greater mean resistance is less. and resistance is inversly proptional to current. so it will act as low resistance path for neutral current.

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When Rack angle is zero... Chip thickness ration is going to be greater.

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What is the disadvantages of Brinell hardness test?

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The resistance of a liquid to flowing is what?

The resistance of a liquid to flowing is its viscosity.Viscosity is a property arising from friction between neighboring particles in a fluid that are moving at different velocities. In liquids, it could be considered the "thickness". For example, maple syrup has a higher viscosity than water.

What is elecrtical resistance?

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What is the relationship between resistivity and circumference?

The relationship between resistivity and circumference is inverse.The resistance of a substance decreases as the surface area of that substance increases. The greater circumference presents a greater conduction surface.AnswerThe original answer describes resistance, NOT resistivity. Additionally, it is incorrect because resistance is inversely-proportional to cross-sectional area NOT circumference!There is NO relationship between resistivity and the circumference of a material. Resisitivity is a constant at any given temperature and is completely unaffected by the dimensions of a material.