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My advice is to do what you can to break yourself out of it. You might have to reach out to people online and develop friendships, or find people in your neighborhood to talk to, if there are people your age around. You could even work on improving the relationship with your mother, although I know that probably isn't your first choice. Although professional help would be nice, if you can't currently get it, then do what you can for yourself. You are more powerful than you realize in your ability to overcome your own emotions. Read good books; find ways to engage your mind in something positive.

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Q: If you are homeschooled and your mother contacted a therapist who said you have severe depression and anxiety but your mother refuses to get you help beyond that diagnosis what can you do?
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Should I get a therapist for my depression?

Yes, seeking therapy for depression can be very beneficial. A therapist can help you explore the root causes of your depression, develop coping strategies, and provide support as you work towards healing and recovery.

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What is a depression therapist?

I see a Phycologist for depression. I know that is one type but there could be more, sorry i don't know more.

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A mental health disorder characterised by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment in daily life.Possible causes include a combination of biological, psychological and social sources of distress. Increasingly, research suggests that these factors may cause changes in brain function, including altered activity of certain neural circuits in the brain.

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You will have to see a psychiatrist to determine if you really are having a clinical depression. The psychiatrist can also tell you the severity of your depression and what you can do about it.

How Do I Get Rid of My Depression Without Therapy?

It's not something you can completely "get rid of" but having your child see a therapist to find the root of the depression will help in reducing it.

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Usually it is a mental state but you can talk to a doctor or a therapist and be diagnosed with depression.

Can a reiki therapist write prescriptions?

No, a Reiki therapist has no medical license and cannot write prescriptions, nor make a diagnosis. Reiki is a natural, complementary therapy that works along with medical treatment.

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"The boy's therapist informed him he suffers from severe depression and prescribed an anti-depressant"

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Where are some places to go for depression treatment?

There are many places you can go for the treatment of depression. Starting with your primary care physician is ideal. You can see a psychiatrist, counselor, or a therapist.