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Lactose intolerant people have a deficiency of an enzyme called lactase, which breaks up the lactose into two monosaccharides called galactose and glucose. These two are easily digestable, whereas lactose is not.

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because their bodies slow down in producing enzymes (lactase) that break down the lactose

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Q: Why doesnt the lactase in lactose intolerant people work?
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What does lactose do?

Firstly, I think you phrased this question wrong because lactose is a substrate. It is the job of lactase (and enzyme) to break down lactose. Some people are lactose intolerant because their bodies do not have enough lactase enzymes to break down lactose.

Why is the digestion of milk affected by lactose found in the stomach?

Are you talking about lactose intolerance? If so, people are lactose intolerant because they do not have the enzyme lactase that is use to digest the lactose. The gene that codes for the lactase cease to be express when they get older . Other people keep expressing the gene for their entire life.

Why do lactose intolerant people get diarrhea?

When someone is lactose intolerant it means they don't produce any/enough lactase enzyme in the small intestine. Without the enzyme, lactase the lactose is not broken down and doesn't go into the bloodstream, it stays in the small intestine where bacteria respires, to try and break it down. The presence of undigested lactose increases water potential and therefore leads to diarrhoea.

Can you be half lactose intolerant?

Lactose intolerance is a misnomer. Many people are unaware of what it actually is and means. Almost everyone on the planet is lactose intolerant, it's just to what degree. The majority of adult humans don't produce the lactase enzyme needed to break down lactose. More correctly it's to what degree are you intolerant. Generally speaking, yes you could be half lactose intolerant.

Why are people lactose intolerent?

All mammals, including humans, are fed milk, by their mothers, when they are infants. all infants bodies produce an enzyme called lactase, that digests lactose, the kind of sugar found in milk. As they grow, animals and many people stop producing lactase and can no longer digest milk. they become lactose intolerant. people whose ancestors came from areas where dairy foods have long been part of the diet, such as northern and western Europe, are less likely to become lactose intolerant.

Who doesnt like cheese?

Chocolates... they have always been jealous of cheese

How can lactose intolerance be prevented?

Yes. My partner became lactose intolerant in his late 20s.

What amounts of lactose-containing food should be eaten by lactose intolerant adults?

Lactose intolerant people have lactase deficiency, which is an enzyme, so they should reduce the consumption of lactose containing food products like milk etc., however they can take foods prepared from milk like curd as lactose is converted to lactic acid,paneer cheese etc

People with lactose intolerance produce insufficient amounts of?

the enzyme, lactase

Which of the following is a characteristic of yogurt?

A) Bacteria in yogurt produce lactase B) The lactose content of yogurt is about one-half that of milk C) Yogurt is poorly tolerated in lactose-intolerant people D) There are only trace amounts of lactose present in yogurt

What is the function of B-galactosidase?

B-gal breaks down galactosides into monosaccharides. Lactase, a subclass of b-gal, breaks down the sugar lactose in the small intestine. When people don't secrete these enzymes they are lactose intolerant.

What would most likely happen to a person who had a shortage of lactase?

The person would be unable to fully digest dairy products. Many people are lactose intolerant, meaning that they have difficulty digesting food that contains large amounts of lactose. This occurs because a person's body does not produce enough lactase enzyme, which is the enzyme needed to quickly breakdown lactose.