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Amplitude of sound

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Lincoln Wolf

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The volume of the speaker's voice needs to be increased in order to remedy the situation. Additionally, adjusting the acoustics of the auditorium or using a microphone may also help improve sound clarity for those seated in the back.

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Q: If you are seated in the back of the a large auditorium and you cannot hear the speaker in the front what aspect of sound needs to be altered to remedy the situation?
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If you are seated in the back of a large auditorium and you cannot hear the speaker in the front what aspect of sound neds to be altered to remedy the situation?

Increasing the volume of the speaker system or using a microphone would help amplify the sound reaching the back of the auditorium. The sound system could also benefit from improved sound distribution or acoustics to ensure better transmission throughout the space.

If you are seated in the back of a large auditorium and you cannot hear from the front what aspect of sound needs to be altered to remedy the situation?

The volume of the sound needs to be increased so you can hear from the back of the auditorium. This can be done by adjusting the amplifier or speaker settings to increase the sound output. Alternatively, using a microphone or sound system with better coverage can also help distribute sound evenly throughout the auditorium.

If seated in the back of a large auditorium and you cannot hear the speaker in front what aspect of sound needs to be altered to remedy the situation?

In this scenario, the volume level of the speaker's voice needs to be increased to reach the back of the auditorium. Additionally, using microphones and a sound system can help amplify the speaker's voice and make it clearer for those seated at a distance. Adjusting the acoustics of the room, such as using sound-absorbing materials or minimizing echo, can also improve the clarity of the sound.

What aspect of sound needs to be altered to remedy the situation if you are seated in the back of a large auditorium and you cannot hear the speaker in the front?

Amplitude of sound

What does the word drawback mean?

"Drawback" refers to a disadvantage or negative aspect of something. It is a factor that hinders or limits the success or effectiveness of a plan, idea, or situation.

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