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Q: If you can feel hot and cold in your hand but you cannot tell if anyone is touching your hand there may a problem with the in your hand?
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How do you catch a cold without touching anyone WITH a cold?

You do something that brings down your immunesystem and your body ends up receptive to allsorts.

If a person eats unhealthy food can they get a cold what cause a person get a cold?

Eating unhealthy food cannot make you or anyone feel cold

Why sometimes get a shock on a cold day when touching a metal?

why sometimes get a shock on a cold day touching a metal

Why do you feel cold when touching ice?

Bcause its cold

How do you find out if something is cold by touching it?

Touch it.

Why might the dash lights not work in cold weather?

It sounds like it could be faulty wiring or loose wiring. In the cold, metal, thus wires, contract. I have dealt with this in my car and I had to test each wire to find out where the problem was. Chances are that the wires are barely touching, or it is exposed and touching something else and that is what is causing the blinkers not to work.

Can anyone get cold sore?

Anyone, who comes into contact with the virus, can get a cold sore.

Can kissing a child on the top of the head transmit a cold?

Yes, actually touching anything can transmit a cold.

How does the common cold travel?

It travels by touching other peoples hands

What disease is touching cold items causing itching a symptom for?


Can you contact a cold from touching a doorknob?

Sure. You can even contact AIDS from it.

Can cold be transferred?

Yes, cold can be transferred from person to person through droplets from coughing or sneezing, as well as through touching contaminated surfaces and then touching the face. Cold viruses can be transmitted easily in close contact settings.