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depends on what your chewing... gum- no. food- depends on what animal... deer- no. bear- yes

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Q: If you chew during hunting will the animal smell it?
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How remove the smell of alcohol?

chew gum chew gum

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What animal chew wood?

Many chew on wood, but a beaver is one.

Why does your dog always greet you at the door with your shoes?

1. They like to chew things. 2. Your shoes are made of leather, which was probably made from animal skin. It MIGHT smell nice to them.. 3. Habit. Some dogs chew chew toys and if they don't have chew toys to chew, they may try to find a sustitute. Like your shoes.

Which word is related to chew as smell is to nose?


Can you cover the smell of weed on your breath?

The smell of cigarette smoke will always overpower the smell of marijuana smoke. Or you could just chew gum or eat breath mints.

Why do dogs smell humans croch?

It is nasty, but dogs like the smell of their owners. That is why some dogs chew underwear and shoes. I don't understand why, but they do.

Why does your dog chew your socks?

Dogs chew your socks because they love the way it smells and tastes. You know this because dogs love mud and trash. Your socks must smell or your dog does not like the toys it has or it needs toys to chew on.

How can you not get queezy during dissection?

chew gum.

Do people chew chewing gum?

People chew chewing gum so that they don't have to chew on pen tops or bit there finger nails. etc. Some chewing gum makes your breathe smell better which is why most people chew it. they also chew it to prevent plaque and gum disease.

Can dogs have baths?

yes because they do chew thier fleas and groom thier self but still they have dirt on them and fleas and they smell or smell likewet dog or smell so bad you should give them a bath once a week

Are pigs kosher?

No. For a land animal to be Kosher it has to have split hooves AND chew its cud. A pig isn't kosher because it doesn't chew it's cud.