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H20 or water

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Q: If you combined the hydrgen and oxygen what is the name?
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What is oxygen and hydrgen?

I think its death metal band from the 80s.

What is the name of the element that is combined with alumiium in al2o3?

The element combined with aluminum in Al2O3 is oxygen.

What is the chemical name for sodium and oxygen?

The chemical name for sodium is Na and for oxygen is O. When combined, they form sodium oxide (Na2O).

Oxygen combined with one other element is an?

Oxygen combined with one other element is an oxide.

What does cardon dioxide form combined with?

it is combined with oxygen

Is hydrgen a compound?

no it is a element

Is methanol and ionic compound?

No. Methanol is comprised of hydrgen, oxygen, and carbon. These bond with covalent bonds.

What is the oxidation number of oxygen when combined with fluorine?

The oxidation number of oxygen when combined with fluorine is -1. Oxygen usually has an oxidation number of -2, but when combined with a more electronegative element like fluorine, oxygen's oxidation number becomes -1.

What two gases make water?

Hydrogen and oxygen gases combine to form water through a chemical reaction. The chemical formula for water is H2O, indicating that two hydrogen atoms bond with one oxygen atom to create a water molecule.

What is oxygens origin name?

Oxygen's original name is derived from the Greek words "oxys" and "genes," which when combined mean "acid-forming." This name was given by Antoine Lavoisier in the late 18th century when he identified oxygen as an element that was essential for combustion.

Is air an water?

Yes oxygen is in water. Water is another name for H2o. H2o means two hydrogen atoms combined with one oxygen atom to make a water molecule.

What happens to blood when it is combined with oxygen?

It clots.