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Alcohol and metabolism are unrelated. So the amount you drink has no bearing on metabolism.

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Q: If you have a high metabolism can you drink more alcohol?
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Why do famous people who do drink alcohol?

Most high status people drink alcohol, as do those who are more educated.

What removes alcohol from bloodstream?

The alcohol causes dehydration in your body and makes you twice as thirsty. In most cases, when you are at the bar and drink too much beer, you get thirsty and drink more beer. Then you pass out.

How does alcohol affect your diet?

You drink alcohol... you get drunk.... you get the munchies and you eat takeaway foods therefore you get fatter. Seriously though alcohol slows down your metabolism by depressing the central nervous system. Also note that a British study found that when alcohol was added to a high-fat, high-calorie meal, less dietary fat was burned off and more was stored as body fat. In other words if you drink then drink moderately, don't eat fatty foods and make sure you work off the damage you've done the night before by doing exercise.

How can you drink more alcohol without getting drunk?

Drink odols

If you've got a fast metabolism do you break alcohol down quicker?

I'm assuming "drinking" means alcohol. Alcohol speeds up your metabolism at first (makes you high), however after a while it slows down your metabolism which makes you unable to think clearly and react normally.

How is alcohol misused?

Alchohol is misused because people drink to much of it and then they drink more and more and more.

What is the possibility that teens drink alcohol?

in my personal opinion, 100%. but there are defiantly more teens that drink alcohol that those who don't.

Is it possible for a person with a high metabolism to have six pack abs?

Your body uses more fuel if you have a high metabolism. It is more favorable to have a high than a low metabolism. Good way is to do upper and lower body add in cardio but do not do ab workouts.

WHAT means that to get the same high the person needs to drink more alcohol or take more drugs.?

With many drugs, a user builds up a tolerance to the drug, needing a larger dose to get the same high.

What means that to get the same high the person needs to drink more alcohol or take more drugs?

With many drugs, a user builds up a tolerance to the drug, needing a larger dose to get the same high.

Is there a home remedy for alcohol tremors?

Yes...drink more alcohol and they will go away.

When you drink alcohol does your liver get more damaged?

Yes,your body wasn't designed to handle alcohol.