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Q: If you have a sunburn is it normal to be itchy?
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Sun burn Itching after 3 weeks normal?

Is it normal to still be itchy weeks after sunburn

When you have sunburn can you use epaderm cream?

I used it on bad sunburn and had a severe itchy reaction. I checked epaderm and it says NOT to use on sunburn.

Severe sunburn on your back and is now severely itchy how do you get rid of that?

Use aloe vera lotion.

Why do you have an itchy mole on your hip?

That's not normal. And I don't.

Is it normal to get itchy balls when swimming in the sea?

Yes, this is perfectly normal. Itchy sea balls are also revered to as Parinautile Disorder. Just rub, pull on and scratch them till they feel nicer.

Im 5months pregnant why your tummy very itchy it is normal?

yes it is normal. my sister just had her baby and was constantly itchy. the doc told us it was from her skin stretching to make room for baby.

How do i stop crazy itchy sunburn?

Vinegar!!! Spray vinegar on your burn. 3 to 4 coats and let dry dont do that its a trick how do u know???????????? it mite be true

Is Calamine lotion a solution?

Yes. Mainly zinc oxide. It main uses are to treat sunburn and itchy bites. It also works well on chicken pox and Shingles.

Is it normal for your tongue to be itchy after getting it pierced?

No itchy is a sign of an allergic reaction, this could be due to the quality or lack of it in the jewellery in your tongue piercing.

Are spider bites itchy?

Yes, spider bites bruise and its very normal.

What skin conditions do therapeutic baths help?

Therapeutic baths are useful for itchy skin, hives, sunburn, chafing, poison ivy and oak, eczema, skin irritation, and dry skin.

Is a lip piercing supposed to be itchy?

It's not bad if it is. It's normal, don't worry.