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Discharge cannot stop a female from getting pregnant. Only the use of a form of contraception can act to reduce the risk of pregnancy. For information on your options, talk to a nurse or a physician. There are many options, such as the pill, condoms, Depo-Provera, etc, and a health care provider can help you choose the one most suited to your needs.

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Q: If you have discharge a lot can that stop you from getting pregnant?
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NO, drinking a lot of water after sex will NOT stop you from getting pregnant.

Do women get discharge while pregnant?


Your breast is tender and you get sharpe cramps and feel sick out the day and see alot of mucus iam you pregnant?

probably. You have a lot of discharge when you are pregnant.

Does vaginal discharge continue to be present when pregnant?

Yes it does. Vaginal discharge is quite a lot during pregnancy.

Pink discharge when pregnant?

It can happen but if you start cramping, having a lot of discharge, bleeding, or passing clots you should call your Dr or go to the ER right away.

Is having a lot of discharge right before your period a sign of pregnancy?

The week before a period, being pregnant or using oral contraceptives are associated with increased discharge.

What is your cm like at 7 weeks pregnant?

Hello there. A pregnant womens CM varies in each one of us. Some women have a great deal of CM which looks like ovulation discharge and some have a lot of normal vaginal discharge. The discharge usually increases as the pregnancy progresses.

Would a lot of discharge stop the sperm from causing you to get pregnant?

Depending on what kind of discharge. If the discharge is clear, slippery, and stretches, (resembling egg whites) this is your most fertile time of the month. You have this kind of discharge right at and during ovulation. This is your sperm friendly mucous, it helps the sperm be more mobile and gives it a healthier environment letting it live longer and also enter your cervix. If it is cloudy or white this is not as " sperm friendly".

Are you pregnant if you've tried for 3 weeks and have dizziness and discharge and pee a lot and are slightly constipated and have cravings for chicken and chocolate and hate cigarette smoke?

Yes it is possible you are pregnant.

If you take a lot of aspirin every day will it stop you from being pregnant?

NO, but it might make you very sick as it reduces clotting. Only abstention or contraception can stop you from being pregnant.

I have more discharge than the average woman but lately it's slowed down a whole lot and been replaced with a goopy cottage cheese discharge yeast infection or pregnant the condom broke recently?


Is yellow discharge normal if you are 2 weeks pregnant? control.htm likely you are ovulating at this time--you are most likely to get pregnant when you have alot of white discharge AnswerHi, You can do but a lot of white discharge can be ovulation discharge, because technically its very very rare to find out your 2 weeks pregnant. Its most likely ovulation discharge but if you've had the pregnancy confirmed, then its the pregnancy discharge.