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This symptom is usually an extension of a neurological issue. It takes professional skills to tease out the root causes in most if not all cases. Particularly if no other symptoms exist. Best idea is to make a list of symptoms and when and under what circumstances they occur and then take that list to a physician. Doctors didn't go to med school to participate in college party life. They went there to study medicine. Take advantage of their advanced education. See one. Get a referral to a neurologist if you don't get good advice. Good luck sorting this out.

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Q: If you have had pins and needles in your right foot for three months what could be causing it?
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What you're describing could be a very serious medical issue, and if it doesn't go away within a very short period of time you need to get to the hospital immediately and get checked. Constant pins and needles in your right leg could be a sign of a number of things, including stroke or nervous system damage. The feeling of 'pins and needles' is usually caused by nerves that have been deprived of oxygen getting back into their ready state. Constant pins and needles could be a sign of damage to the nerves connecting the leg to the brain. If the damage were from a stroke, the left side of your brain would be the one to worry about, as the left side of the brain controls the right side of your body, and vice-versa. However, the brain itself has no sensory receptors, so if it gets damaged you wouldn't be able to feel it. This also means that your headache is caused by pressure in the tissue outside of the brain, not the brain itself. A severe headache is too general a symptom to say that it is or is not related to the pins and needles, but again, if you feel that it is directly linked with the pins and needles, or it doesn't go away soon, ask your doctor.

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